I feel hard to build joplin env.

And i feel good for taskworrior working

As AI becomes more pervasive, text-based interfaces such as APIs, CLI, and TUI will become increasingly important. This is because they offer high-performance and efficient processing, which is essential for AI systems. GUI-based systems, which rely on image processing and computer vision, may not be as well-suited for AI interactions due to slower processing speeds and lower accuracy.

The Dominance of String-Based Data

With the advent of more powerful Large Language Models (LLMs), string-based data will continue to reign supreme. LLMs are designed to process and generate human-like language, which is inherently string-based. As a result, the volume and complexity of string-based data will increase, making it critical for systems to efficiently process and analyze this type of data.

Advantages for Engineers and Coders

Engineers and coders will have a natural advantage in working with LLMs and AI systems due to their familiarity with TUI and CLI, programming skills, understanding of data structures, problem-solving skills, and adaptability. However, they will need to develop new skills, such as understanding AI and machine learning concepts, knowledge of LLM-specific tools and frameworks, and the ability to work with large datasets.

I think taskworrior will be good for coorp with LLM