Reflecting on the past six months, I’ve been intrigued by the rhythmic patterns of my physical and mental states. It’s a cycle that seems to play out every 7 to 10 days: starting from an average state, escalating to a week where I feel on top of my game, and then, almost like clockwork, descending into a period where everything feels unusually challenging. This unpredictable cycle impacts my productivity in ways I’m still trying to understand.

This observation led me to think about how elite athletes, particularly in high-stakes competitions, manage their physical and mental states. I recall learning that top-tier athletes, like weightlifters, often synchronize their peak physical states to coincide with major competitions. It’s an art of adjusting one’s cycle to ensure that their best performance falls on the crucial day of the event. This concept was initially foreign to me; I used to think that consistent preparation was all that mattered. But now, I realize that there’s an element of luck involved - being in your best state during critical moments can make a world of difference. Some individuals always seem to have their important days clash with their off periods, while others are more fortunate.

This deep dive into the world of athletic preparation intertwines beautifully with Georges St-Pierre’s insightful categorization of combat sports practitioners into Athletes, Fighters, and Artists. Each category embodies a unique aspect of my own cycle: the physical vitality of the Athlete, the resilience of the Fighter during tough times, and the strategic acumen of the Artist in planning and execution.

It’s fascinating how this parallels the journey of self-discovery in sports and life. The importance of self-awareness, understanding one’s rhythms, and the art of timing are crucial. It’s about embracing the unpredictable nature of our states and learning to navigate them. Success, in many ways, is about aligning your peak state with critical moments, just as the best athletes do.

This exploration has been a revelation, not just in understanding the intricate balance of preparation and luck but also in appreciating sports as a dialogue with oneself. It’s about tuning into and managing these cycles, capitalizing on the highs, and navigating through the lows.