① Your nickname:


② TG number:


③ Contact email:

[email protected]

④ The number of courses to apply for Haobao:

Perspective 13th period

⑤ Works display:

⑥ Mind map/reference map:

Because I saw artist using AI, I also wanted to experience this feeling. I also spelled some Stable Diffusion as a reference picture this time.

Negative Spell: lowres, text, error, missing fingers, extra digit, fewer digits, cropped, worst quality, low quality, normal quality, jpeg artifacts, signature, watermark, username, blurry, artist name,

The main positive spell tried some combinations, such as: masterpiece, japanese anime style, steampunk alchemy, An alchemist is using an alchemy furnace to synthesize a formula, Mana, Homunculus, Elixirs, Cauldron, Astrology, potted plant, Herbal medicine,

The main spell for the blue miko is probably blue theme miko or something like that, but because the perspective work was not colored, the blue color was not used, and I will continue to try to use the color course in the future.

The idea process for this time was to start with my usual background image, which is the alchemy system, and to think in the direction of steampunk. Many groups have tried to sing SD, so I won’t go into details.

Finally, I found some pictures of parts to supplement the details of the picture.

⑦ Painting & Thinking Process:

Taking this course is also a continuation of the AI ​​mentioned above. I often follow the trend and learn something. After AlphaGO came out, I followed the trend and learned Go shess. If I knew a little bit about Go, I could enjoy the content and explanations of the game. After the NAGA came out, I followed the trend and learned Japanese Mahjong. In the past few years, the fitness trend was popular, and I also followed the trend and learned heavy training and weight training. I get into the habit of exercising; AI drawing Midjourney appeared a while ago, and I followed suit and learned to draw, also to improve my aesthetics and get different views.

As a former engineer, I used GPT coding extensively after GPT came out. Although most people without programming experience can write code with AI, those with a software background can better realize the potential of AI. This is also the main reason why I learn painting. Although people without experience can also use AI drawing, having domain knowledge can better exploit the potential of AI. So I also signed up for the composition class, and after the composition was completed, I also took the color class.

For the L8 part, I wanted to think about what angle to choose at first. I wanted to add a little more challenge, so I chose an angle of 22.5° instead of 45°. The public version of the box was not very large, so I enlarged it with double, but it was still a little small. So the doors, windows, pillars, lockers, and control panels were all moved outwards.

The tri-view drawing is actually useless for this assignment. After all, the K University class is modeling from the three-view perspective, but this assignment is the other way around. In fact, the object is placed in the air first, and then it goes back to fill in the three-view view. It is more like It’s for teaching assistants to check.

The teaching assistant at Node 1 commented that the door was too short and the objects were placed align axis, too boring. It would be better to put some oblique objects.
So Node 2 placed some books and scrolls slanted at an angle, the character also turned a slight angle, placed a slanted chair, and determined the viewing frame at the same time.

The process of getting to Node 3 is a painful process of filling in details. There is a Node 2.5 in the middle and I asked the teaching assistant to do a point check. The teaching assistant suggested that the character will be out of focus when facing away. He also suggested some details that need to be added.

The last node three process is the finishing action. Although it takes relatively little time, I am already very tired emotionally, especially since L8 took over from L7 immediately, and L7 is already very irritable. This feeling spreads to L8.

After that, some mechanical details were added, such as the fixed lock of the machine. Because the structure of the tie rod area was unclear, gears were also drawn to complete the details. I encountered a problem in the middle. Drawing a small number of gears alone seemed too monotonous.

So I made a clever way to borrow the concept of background pasting from L4. Here I also pasted a mechanical background to make it look 87% similar.

⑧ Thoughts:

  • Class experience:
    • Those in the perspective class will explain the relationship between proportions. In the later stage, they will mainly talk about the sixteen-frame square. You may feel that it is not bad, but it is this “not bad” that can highlight the excellent course content of K University and make people with no experience feel It is very difficult to understand yourself. Another difficulty is “systematization”. Just like the various drawing books mentioned in the K University class, you will see various instructions or nouns. For beginners, it is easy to be confused or confused. K University has all the fragmentary content. They are all connected in the form of sixteen squares, and what we see is only the result of the sixteen squares, which also shows the excellence of this system. *Painting experience:
    • The long and painful process of redrawing the same object in a different position made me deeply doubt my life. Every stroke made me feel like I was fighting against myself. This assignment convinced me of one thing, that is, as a former engineer, I cannot stand the large amount of mechanical content and repetitive labor in painting. During this period, I mostly painted every day, if not every day, at least three days a week. In addition, in order to immerse myself in painting, I also watch Naoko Saito and Proko to accumulate aesthetics. This habit of watching YouTube should continue in the future.

⑨ Areas that still want to improve:

Complete the remaining two subjects of composition + color, and the goal is to have at least a complete concept of painting.

⑩ Preschool works:

at last:

I know that AI is currently facing a lot of headwinds. This is not the first time I have seen this phenomenon. As early as the time when AlphaGo came out, there were already situations where AI should not continue to be developed, AI plugs should be pulled, players were suspected of using AI, and AI was boycotted. , but looking back now, which top expert is not using AI? When engineers are still saying that AI cannot replace engineers, there are already experts who are using AI coding. They only do code reviews, which has also confirmed that the production capacity has been raised to a higher level. While the circle of painters is still saying that AI cannot replace painters, some people are already using AI as a drawing aid. One of the best questions I’ve ever heard is: “Are you going to be the last group of humans not to use AI, or the first wave of pioneers to use AI? No one can make the wrong choice on this question.”