

  • [[English]]
  • [[ACGN/index]]

  • abrupt
    • sudden and unexpected.
  • opulence
    • great wealth or luxuriousness.
  • abundant
    • existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.
  • diehard
    • a person who strongly opposes change or who continues to support something in spite of opposition.
  • obsess
    • preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually and to a troubling extent.
  • coveted
    • greatly desired or envied.
  • pestilence
    • a fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.
  • lurking
    • remaining hidden so as to wait in ambush.
  • lore
    • a body of traditions and knowledge on a subject or held by a particular group, typically passed from person to person by word of mouth.
  • campaign
    • an organized course of action to achieve a goal.
  • plethora
    • a large or excessive amount of something.
  • probing
    • inquiring closely into something; searching.
  • elaborate
    • develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in further detail.
  • myriad
    • a countless or extremely great number of people or things.
  • intertwine
    • twist or twine together.
  • retention
    • the continued possession, use, or control of something.
  • roam
    • move about or travel aimlessly or unsystematically, especially over a wide area.