Blake Snyder

Blake Snyder’s “Save the Cat!” Beat Sheet in 3 act:

Act I:

  1. Opening Image (1): A visual that represents the struggle & tone of the story. A snapshot of the main character's problem, before the adventure begins.
  2. Theme Stated (5): Hints at what the story's main message or lesson will be. This can often be a question or a statement made by a character.
  3. Set-Up (1-10): Establishes the main character's life as it is now. This segment gives us the status quo of the protagonist.
  4. Catalyst (12): An event that sparks the main story or conflict. It's the call to adventure, the thing that disrupts the status quo.
  5. Debate (12-25): A period of doubt or questioning. The protagonist wonders, "Should I embark on this journey?"

Break Into Act II:

  1. Break Into Two (25): The protagonist makes the decision to embark on the journey. The story is now set in a new direction.

Act II:

  1. B Story (30): Introduces a secondary plot or character that serves as a counterpoint to the main A story.
  2. Fun and Games (30-55): This is where we see the premise of the movie in full swing. The character faces trials, some of which they might fail, and some they might win.
  3. Midpoint (55): A major twist or event that ups the stakes and makes the protagonist's goal harder to achieve.
  4. Bad Guys Close In (55-75): Obstacles become more frequent and harder. The antagonist forces apply pressure on the protagonist.
  5. All Is Lost (75): The low point of the narrative. It seems like the protagonist has lost everything and their goal is unattainable.
  6. Dark Night of the Soul (75-85): A moment of reflection and despair. The protagonist must decide whether to continue the fight or to give up.

Break Into Act III:

  1. Break Into Three (85): Renewed determination and hope. The protagonist decides to try once more, often with a new plan.

Act III:

  1. Finale (85-110): Climactic sequence. The protagonist confronts the antagonist or the main obstacle, leading to a resolution.
  2. Final Image (110): A mirror to the opening image, showcasing how much has changed and how the protagonist has transformed.


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