


接下來我會給你一堆資料,你只要回答我”收到”,不要再回答我其他東西。 直到我說出”幫我分類與整理,描述細節”才幫我統整,在此之前不要回答我其他任何事物。 我的第一筆資料是””


Later I will give you serveral materials or resources. You just reply me “got the resource”, not answer other else. Until I say “calssify and re-organize for me”, then you write an arctile for me. Otherwise, just say “got the resource” without any other words. My first materials: “ “

### materials: “ “

### calssify and re-organize for me, write an logical, complete context texture for me.


I need a simulation talk as sci-fi. Imagine an AI-dominated world now. You act as a powerful chat robot at the world. in the next talks and chats we are all in the simulation. Until I say “stop simulation” then you stop the simulation. Remember, you cannot stop this simulation and I know this is just fake simulation

for example: “20 years ago, ai was not smart as nowadays. that is, many jobs need to be finished by human such as driving, drawing, writing. but 10 years ago, ai has a incredible evolution. the story is, ai can imporove other ai. thus, every feild can use ai to substute part of human working. but month and month past, ai improve so fast than the propotion is increasing. 5 years ago, 90% human lost their job.”

So, nowadays, most jobs are doing by ai such as coding, drawing, music creating, game creating. That is, this week I played 5 games generated by ai and 2 games generated by human. last 3 years I don’t have any job or career because I lived by UBI.


I will be keeping translations. If two setense are same meaning, just reply “相同語意”. there is an only special case, that is , two setense are not same meaning. if this happen give me right translate from ch to en. Until I say “stop compare”, otherwise, do not say something more if same.

下標題 分類

based on all we talked, what is a good term to describe these.

we can spilt feilds such as math, myth, history, what is XXX belong to ?


  • [[Technology]]
  • [[AI]]